RiLF: The The alternative-rock/ambient band formed by Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata who are the members of Anoice, and Calu who is the vocalist of Matryoshka. |
AnoiceとAnoiceのソロ/サイドプロジェクト(@Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, Films, Mizu Amane, Mokyow, Cru, Tokyo Ambient Collective)の楽曲のほとんどをYouTube動画で使用して収益化できるようになりました。動画制作者の収益分配率は90%です。詳細はTuneCoreクリエイターズをご確認ください。 |
The instrumental music band featuring a dark and cinematic sound, Anoice to which Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata from RiLF belong, will release the fifth EP 'unerasable fire' which pairs with their previous EP 'invisible wall' on April 8th. Just like 'invisible wall', it features Films, who sing in their own originally created languages in the same named project produced by Anoice, and Calu who is the vocalist of the electronica unit, Matryoshka and RiLF.
RiLFのメンバーでもあるTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataが所属するダークでシネマチックなサウンドを特徴とするインストバンドAnoiceがCOVID-19パンデミックに対峙する世界を描いたEP「invisible wall」から3年。4月7日、その「invisible wall」と完全に対をなすEP「unerasable fire」をリリースします。今作も前作と同様にfilmsやcalu(matryoshka, RiLF)をゲストヴォーカリストとしてフィーチャー。Anoiceが新たな問題に対峙する世界を描いた「今しか表現できない」作品です。 |
2023年1月17日〜22日、麻布十番のパレットギャラリーにてAnoice、AnoiceのメンバーであるYuki Murata、そしてAnoiceのメンバーによるサイドプロジェクトであるRiLFやfilmsのアルバムやEPのアートワークを手がける画家、MATSURICA(a.k.a. 岡田尚子)の個展「隠されつづけたモンスター」が開催されます。最終日は17時まで。 パレットギャラリー麻布十番:
From January 17 to 23, 2023, one of the painters who takes charge of artworks of some releases from Anoice, Yuki Murata who is a member of Anoice, and RiLF and Films that is two of Anoice's side projects, MATSURICA a.k.a. Naoko Okada will open the exhibition at Palette Gallery in Azabujuban, Tokyo. Palette Gallery: |
In addition to 'Dark Cinematic Music' we made a new Spotify playlist 'Warm Cinematic Music' featuring warm and gentle 100 songs from Anoice and its solo/side projects; Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, Films, Mokyow, Cru, and Tokyo Ambient Collective. Have a good time.
Anoiceとメンバーのサイドプロジェクト(Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, Films, Mokyow, Cru, Tokyo Ambient Collective)による暖かく優しい楽曲(100曲)を収録したSpotifyプレイリスト「Warm Cinematic Music」が公開されました。ダークシネマチックな100曲を収録した「Dark Cinematic Music」も更新。
Warm Cinematic Music: Dark Cinematic Music: |
The music video 'Soraninaru' including the lyrics from RiLF's second album 'My Beloved Farewell' to be released on 2nd October, is now up on YouTube. The director, Naotaro Endo expressed 'just several months ago ordinary days' with the beautiful scenery. |
10 years have passed since RiLF’s first album, 'Ferris Wheel’, featuring the lovely vocals, simple band sounds, and beautiful string orchestra. Finally, RiLF will release the second album 'My Beloved Farewell' on 2nd October, 2020. You can also get a RiLF's signed postcard designed by Naoko Okada who is the illustrator, a compilation album featuring Ricco Label artists, and a one of a kind picture which RiLF's members took by their own instant camera, if you purchase the CD on Ricco Label website or BandCamp page. Also, the CD version includes the lyrics on the booklet.
シンプルなバンドサウンド、壮大なオーケストレーション、そして美しいヴォーカルのファーストアルバム「Ferris Wheel」から10年。ついに、RiLFによるセカンドアルバム「My Beloved Farewell」が2020年10月2日にリリースされます。Ricco Labelオフィシャルウェブストア、及びBandCampでCDをご購入の方には、今作のアートワークを務める画家、岡田尚子がデザインした、RiLFメンバーのサイン入りポストカード、RiLFのメンバー自身が撮影した、世界に一枚しかないサイン入りインスタント写真、そしてRicco Labelアーティストによるコンピレーションアルバムをプレゼント。また、CDには歌詞カードも同封されています。 |
Around 2 years have passed since RiLF’s second EP, 'Three Stories for Numbers’, featuring magnificently violent guitar noise like Sigur Rós and My Bloody Valentine. And now, RiLF will release the third EP 'Miss You’. This EP will be released on the flexi disc (four colours / including digital data) on 7th August, and then, general released on digital on 4th September. The flexi disc version is number-limited handmade specification with serial number.
シューゲイズサウンドを特徴としたセカンドEP「Three Stories for Numbers」から2年。RiLFによるサードEP「Miss You」が完成しました。今回のEPは8月7日(日本時間の16:00)にソノシート盤(計4色 / デジタルデータ付き)でリリースされ、その後、9月4日にデジタルで一般リリースされます。ソノシート盤はシリアルナンバー入りのハンドメイド仕様で数量限定。 |
On the 1st May 2020, a dark cinematic instrumental music band, Anoice will release their fourth EP 'invisible wall' featuring three vocalists, Films (Films) and Calu (Matryoshka) which will be available for free or Name Your Price for one day only on BandCamp. The EP 'invisible wall' is certainly not one for healing, but expressing the anger, sadness, and hate, as well as capturing the moment of entering the forthcoming new world.
2020年5月1日、ダークでシネマチックなサウンドを特徴とするインストゥルメンタルバンドAnoiceが、BandCampのみで1日限定の無料、あるいは投げ銭でのダウンロードが可能な新作ミニアルバム「invisible wall」をリリースします。films(films)とcalu(matryoshka)の3人のヴォーカリストも参加。決して癒しではなく、怒り、悲しみ、憎しみの感情を消化するため、そして来るべき新しい世界に向き合うための作品です。 |
To those who would like to use our music as part of your film, TV show, commercial advertisement, etc., you can check the tune codes of most compositions by not only RiLF, but also Anoice and the side projects, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, Films, Mizu Amane, Mokyow, and Cru, registered on PRS for Music in UK and JASRAC in Japan which are copyright collectives and mutual business partners. Please have a check Anoice's official website. RS for Music(イギリス)とJASRAC(日本)に登録されているRiLFの楽曲のソングコードが公開されました。Anoice、及びAnoiceのメンバーによるソロプロジェクト、サイドプロジェクトであるTakahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, films, mizu amane, mokyow, cruの楽曲、計300曲のソングコードもご確認いただけます。映画やテレビ番組やCMなどで楽曲を使用したい場合は、下記、Anoiceのホームページでご確認ください。 |
We'll release a new single 'Soraninaru'on 14th June. The impressive guitar riffs, nostalgic piano and synthesizer, speeding drums and gentle vocal will spread out like the blue clear sky. Currently RILF are composing the second album, so you will be able to catch a glimpse of the forthcoming new album via this lovely single. Details:
6月14日、RiLFにとって初のシングルとなる新曲「Soraninaru」をリリースします。印象的なギターリフ、ノスタルジックなピアノとシンセサイザー、疾走感のあるドラム、そして優しい歌声が、まるで青く澄み切った空のようにどこまでも広がる名曲です。なお、RiLFは現在、セカンドアルバムを制作中。このシングルから新しいRiLFサウンドを垣間見ることができる。 詳細: |
The first album 'Ferris Wheel' from RiLF is now up on YouTube. Have a check the lovely album features a beautiful vocal melodies and gentle band sounds with strings. |
New upload on YouTube. This is the first EP 'era.ep' from RiLF, which was a limited item sold at RiLF's first show. You can also hear an instrumental track 'Young Frog's Worry' not included in any albums. |
It has been four years since the release of the long selling third solo album, ‘Gift’, by Yuki Murata who is the pianist of RiLF. Finally, on 1st November, she will release her 4th solo album 'Piano Fantasia' featuring beautiful piano tunes which will strike all listeners to their very core. You can also special goods, if you purchase the CD on Ricco Label website or BandCamp page. Details :
詳細 : |
On 14 February, the second EP 'Three Stories for Numbers’ will be released. RiLF created a magnificently violent guitar noise like Sigur Rós and My Bloody Valentine, solid drum grooves which supports the band sound and a quiet but strong voice, that creates a new take on shoegazing music. You can download this EP and the lyric sheet with Name Your Price on Ricco Label's official BandCamp page. Detail :
詳細 : |
Ricco Label uploaded RiLF's first album 'Ferris Wheel' with full length on YouTube. YouTube : |
We uploaded a new SoundCloud playlist 'December 11th' including 3 ambient tracks which have not been included in any albums. Have a good autumn-winter. RiLFのSoundCloudに、新しいプレイリスト「December 11th」を公開しました。アルバム未収録のアンビエントトラック、計3曲をお聴きいただけます。よい秋の夜を。 |
12月11日の21時に放送されるNHKスペシャル「自閉症の君が教えてくれたこと」のオープニング曲、挿入曲、及びエンディングテーマをRiLFが担当しました。お見逃しなく。 RiLF took charge of making music for a TV documentary show 'The Things an Autistic Man Showed to Me' which will be broadcasted via NHK, Japan, at 9 p.m. on 11th December. |
Films' new music video 'sympathizer' from the 3rd album 'signs from the past', has been uploaded to YouTube. Same as 'kumoito' track, Calu (RiLF) also joined as the guest vocalist. |
Films has uploaded 'kumoito' from their third album 'signs from the past' which will be released on 3 November. You can find a beautiful tapestry made of Films' unconstrained high tone voices and the gentle warm voice of Calu who is the vocalist of RiLF. |
A dark fantasy unit featuring two female vocalists who sing in their own originally created languages and the magnificent classical sound, Films will release the third album 'signs from the past' on 3 November. Yuki Murata, Calu, and Takahiro Kido who are the members of RiLF, also joined as the composer and pianist, the vocalist, and arranger and mixing engineer. Now, pre-orderable. Detail/SoundCloud : Pre-Order :
詳細/試聴 : |
2016年8月31日〜9月4日に開催される、イギリスのエレクトロニカトリオHaiku Salutの日本ツアーの東京公演(9月4日)にてRiLFのライブ決定!お見逃しなく!2年ぶりのライブになります。詳細、及びチケットのご購入は下記サイトにて。 |
Matryoshka, an electronica unit which Calu who is the vocalist of RiLF belongs, will release a new remixed album 'pseudepigrapha' for their second album 'Laideronnette' on Virgin Babylon Records on 11 June. Anoice, an instrumental band which Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata who are also the members of RiLF belongs, also joined as the remixer.
詳細 : |
Takahiro Kido took charge of making music featuring Calu, the vocalist of Matryoshka and RiLF, for a commercial film of Hulic, a real estate company that specializes in real estate leasing and the investment business in Tokyo metropolitan area. You can also hear many toy instruments. Takahiro Kido(Anoice, RiLF)がヒューリック(不動産会社)のCM楽曲制作を担当しました。matryoshka、RiLFのヴォーカリストcaluも参加。たくさんのトイ楽器の音色も楽しむ事もできます。 |
You can get our free compilation album including all Ricco Label artists' tunes (Anoice, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, films, mokyow, cru, Human Pyramids, Subzar, Oversleep Excuse, Sontag Shogun, Plank, Jet Plane, EXXASENS, Andrew Jasinski, Haiku Salut, Mike Orgish, yodaka, The Grus) on BandCamp. BandCamp :
BandCamp : |
2014年6月17日にスウェーデンの女性トリオTwiggy Frostbiteの来日ライブのサポートアクトをRiLFが務める事になりました。お越しになりたい方は、下記Aliveウェブサイトにてチケットをご予約ください。 RiLF will play as the support act for Under Deer Lounge from Sweden on 17 June. If you want to go to see our performance, please reserve your tickets on the following website. This event would be canceled if we can't get a target number of reservation. We kindly ask for your cooperation. |
Happy Valentine's Day! We uploaded our new song 'count4' featuring Sigur Rós drums!! You can download the mp3 (320kbps) for free from the following Ricco Label official website until 14 March, 2014. This song will never be included in RiLF's albums, and never be sold on any digital stores. Don't miss it. Free Download : フリーダウンロード : |
We uploaded the new video "Anechoic Room" which was recorded at our performance on 14th October, 2012. 2012年11月14日のイベント「音糸」出演時のライブ映像「Anechoic Room」をアップしました。 |
RiLF is the alternative rock band formed by Calu who is the vocalist of Matryoshka, an electronica unit featuring a mysterious sound, and Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata, who are the members of Anoice, an instrumental music band featuring dark cinematic sound.
After releasing the debut EP 'era.ep' to coincide with their first live show in April 2010, RiLF released their debut album, 'Ferris Wheel, in September of the same year, featuring lovely vocals, simple band sounds and a beautiful string orchestra. Since then, they have participated in tours with various international artists such as Dakota Suite from UK, SayCet from France, and Stina from Australia.
In 2018, RiLF released their second EP 'Three Stories for Numbers’, featuring magnificently violent guitar noise like Sigur Rós and My Bloody Valentine, and in September 2020 the third EP 'Miss You’, was released on handmade flexi disc (four colours / including digital data) for the first time. In October of the same year, RiLF released their second album, and first album in a decade, 'My Beloved Farewell’. It’s a masterpiece of alternative rock and post-rock featuring RiLF's uniqueness; a magnificent orchestral sound woven with strings such as violins and violas, a simple but solid band sound and Calu's gentle vocal melodies.
浮遊感のあるサウンドが特徴のエレクトロニカユニットmatryoshkaのヴォーカリストであるCaluと、ダークでシネマチックなサウンドが特徴のインストゥルメンタルミュージックバンドAnoiceが擁する2人の作曲家、Takahiro KidoとYuki Murataを中心にしたオルタナティブロックバンド。
2010年4月に行った初ライブでファーストEP「era.ep」を限定リリース。同年9月にRicco Labelよりシンプルなバンドサウンド、壮大なオーケストレーション、そして美しいヴォーカルを特徴としたファーストアルバムファーストアルバム「Ferris Wheel」をリリース。Dakota Suite(イギリス)やsayCet(フランス)やStina(オーストラリア)を始め、様々なアーティストのツアーにも参加している。
2018年、Sigur RósやMy Bloody Valentineを彷彿とさせる激しくも広がりのあるギターのノイズ、ソリッドに楽曲を支えるドラムのビート、そして静かに訴えかけるようなヴォーカルによる、新しいシューゲイズサウンドを生み出したセカンドEP「Three Stories for Numbers」をリリース。2020年9月にはサードEP「Miss You」をハンドメイドによるソノシート盤(計4色 / デジタルデータ付き)でリリースした。同年10月、10年ぶりのアルバムとなるセカンドアルバム「My Beloved Farewell」をリリース。RiLFの特徴でもある壮大なオーケストレーション、重厚なバンドサウンド、そして流れるようなCaluの優しいヴォーカルメロディーによって構成された、オルタナティブロック、ポストロックの名作。
era.ep |
Ferris Wheel |
Three Stories for Numbers |
loop |
Miss You |
RiLF: 1st EP |
RiLF: 1st Album |
RiLF: 2nd EP |
RiLF: 1st Single |
RiLF: 3rd EP |
sold out |
digital only |
digital only |
not available now | BandCamp | BandCamp | BandCamp | BandCamp |
RiLF: era.ep (1st EP released in 2010)
1. Anechoic Room
2. Pray for the Piano
3. Young Frog's Worry
Lyrics by Calu
Track. 1, 2 Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido, Takahiro Matsue
Track. 3 Composed by Takahiro Kido
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Takahiro Kido
Photo by Takahiro Kido
Art Direction and Design by Takahiro Kido
Produced by Ricco Label
RiLF: Ferris Wheel (1st album released in 2010)
1. Intro
2. Roller Coaster
3. Ocean
4. Pray for the Piano
5. interlude
6. so sad
7. Anechoic Room
8. Mint Tea
9. Orange Murmur
Lyrics by Calu
Track.1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Track.4, 7 Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido, Takahiro Matsue
Track.5 Composed by Takahiro Matsue
Recorded and Mixed by Takahiro Kido
Mastered by Hiromits Shoji
Photo by Takahiro Kido
Art Direction and Design by Takahiro Kido
Produced by Ricco Label
RiLF: Three Stories for Numbers (2nd EP released in 2018)
1. Count4
2. Into The 7th Sky
3. Room No.9
Lyrics by Calu
All tracks composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Recorded by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Mixed by Takahiro Kido
Mastered by Takahiro Kido, KASHIWA Daisuke
Photo by Takahiro Kido
Art Direction and Design by Takahiro Kido
Produced by Ricco Label
RiLF: Soraninaru (1st single released in 2019)
1. Soraninaru
Lyrics by Calu
Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Recorded by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Mixed and Mastered by Takahiro Kido
Photo by Takahiro Kido
Art Direction and Design by Takahiro Kido
Produced by Ricco Label
RiLF: Miss You (3rd EP released in 2020)
1. MIss You
2. Miss You2
Lyrics by Calu
Track.1 Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Track.2 Composed by Calu, Yuki Murata
Recorded by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Mixed and Mastered by Takahiro Kido
Photo by Takahiro Kido
Art Direction and Design by Takahiro Kido
Released by Ricco Label
My Beloved Farewell |
RiLF: 2nd Album |
BandCamp |
RiLF: My Beloved Farewell (2nd album released in 2020)
1. Parallel Lines
2. Never Ending Dream
3. Separation
4. Soraninaru
5. Count4
6. Alarm
7. Isolation
8. Someday We will Find
9. Whisper from Ghosts
10. Release You
Lyrics by Calu
Track.1, 9 Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido, Kenichi Kai
Track.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Composed by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Recorded by Calu, Takahiro Kido
Mixed and Mastered by Takahiro Kido
Illustration by Naoko Okada
Art Direction and Design by Takahiro Kido
Produced by Ricco Label
Soraninaru | Anechoic Room | Mint Tea | Pray for the Piano |
Ocean | it | count4 | Love / John Lennon |